As you move on from children’s services (Move On)

Shared Lives

If you’re in your teens and wondering what’s next when you move on from children’s care, we can help. With our Move On service, you can live with someone who gets you while you figure life out – whether that takes you ‘til you’re 19 or 99.

Who will I live with?

The person you’ll live with is called a Shared Lives carer, and most people say they’re more like a friend or a family member than what you might think of as a carer. It’s their job to support you as much or as little as you need every day, while you live with them and their family in their house. They’re different from any other kind of carer. They’ll welcome you like one of their own family, and they’re fully trained to help you in whatever way you need them to.

How will they help me?

Your Shared Lives carer will:

  • Have your back
  • Respect you
  • Accept you for who you are
  • Look after your health and keep you safe
  • Be there for you through good times and bad times, no-matter what
  • Teach you about life stuff to make you more independent – like cooking, cleaning and sorting out money
  • Help you get to where you want to be in life
  • Give you a hand with revision and any school or college stuff you need to do
  • Help you have experiences you might not have had yet, like going to gigs or going on holiday
  • Support you to claim any benefits you’re entitled to

The point is, it’s up to you what you do together and what you do with your life – it’s their job to make sure you’re happy, healthy, safe, guided and supported.

Can I choose who I live with?

We’ll match you up with carers in your area based on what you like and dislike, where you want to live and what you may need support with. We’ll then show you and the people you trust the carers we think would be a great match for you. You can go on visits, go for tea or even stay overnight, just to see how you feel before picking which person you want to go and live with.

You’ll be supported every step of the way by us, your social workers and the people who currently support you – you’ll never be on your own with any decisions.

How is Move On different to children’s care services?

Your carer will support you like the young adult you are, and will give you as much choice as possible about how you’re supported. You’ll be encouraged to grow, learn and be independent, but you’ll always have that safety net to fall back on. We all make mistakes as we’re growing up, and no-matter how old we are, sometimes we could just do with someone to give us that little nudge in the right direction or give us a hug and be there for us after a really hard day. Move On will give you that.

How much will it cost me?

You’ll need to pay for the stuff you want to buy when you’re out and about, like clothes and treats for yourself, going out with your friends, hobbies and everyday things like your toiletries. When you’re over 18, you may pay a set amount towards the family food budget and household bills. If you live with a carer all the time once you’re over 18, you’ll pay rent too (usually through partial or full housing benefit). Don’t worry – we can talk to you and support you with all of this when or if the time comes.

Is Move On for me?

If you’re over 16 and living in foster care now and you’re worried about living on your own because of your mental health, a physical disability or your behaviour or emotions, our Move On could support you.

If you’re under 25 and lived in foster care or a residential children’s home when you were younger, and you’re now feeling like you might need some support, Move On could be a good option for you, too.

Like the sound of Move On?

Awesome. When you’re ready, have a chat with the people who support you at the moment, whether it’s a social worker, current carer or guardian. They can get in touch with our lovely gang here, and we can start figuring things out.

Let’s get you moving onwards and upwards to your brilliant future.

Get in touch


Call: 0151 702 5571
Email: [email protected]


Call: 0161 209 3143
Email: [email protected]


Call: 0151 702 5599
Email: [email protected]


Call: 01543 448380
Email: [email protected]

East England

Call: 01379 644423
Email: [email protected]


Call: 01529 400765
Email: [email protected]

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