At a day centre in Liverpool for people with learning disabilities

Making Days: Liverpool day centres for people with learning disabilities

We’ve got six day centres in Liverpool for adults with learning disabilities to live their best life.

There are five making Days Centres you can go to: two in North Liverpool  – one in Walton and in our head office in Sandhills, and three in South Liverpool – Bridgechapel, Noah’s Ark and Dutch Farm.

What happens at Making Days?

When you come to Making Days, you’ll be welcomed into our day centres in Liverpool and supported by our gang of lovely support workers – and you’ll have loads of fun together. There will be lots of activities to do and you can choose which ones you want to get involved in.

Some of the activities you can try out at Making Days are:

  • football;
  • drama;
  • arts and crafts;
  • knitting;
  • journalism;
  • gardening;
  • cooking;
  • music;
  • co-production meetings;
  • ….and there’s loads more too!

How will I be supported at Making Days?

Everyone at Making Days is very friendly and will be there when you need them. Your support workers are all trained to understand your needs and what works best for you. They are all big-hearted people who want to support you to do the things you enjoy and help you to learn and grow.

Your PSS support workers will work with your family, too, and some of the other people who support you, like carers and social workers. They’ll get to know all about you and what you like and don’t like.

Your person-shaped support plan

When you come to Making Days, we’ll work together to make you a support plan.

Your support plan tells the people supporting you all about you. It includes important stuff like:

  • what you like and don’t like;
  • any hobbies you have or things you like to do;
  • things that are important to you; and
  • your hopes and dreams for the future.

We will help you to write your support plan or work with you to do this, depending on what’s best for you. You can also record a video support plan if you want to. We’ll look back at your support plan and update it at least every six months, to make sure you keep getting the best support from us.

The Getting It Together group and Go-Go Branching Out group

Every month, a group of people who come to Making Days get together and have a meeting. Both groups chose their own name, appointed ambassadors and designed their own ID badges.

At the meetings, both groups talk about what’s going on at their centres, make sure everybody is happy and see if there is anything that would make things better.  Both co-production groups makes a big difference to what we do at Making Days.

PSS Co-production Group

There’s also a core PSS co-production group which is a made up of lots of different people who go to Making Days and some other PSS services. They talk about the issues lots of people have in common, how things could be made better and ask questions about how we can make PSS the best it can be. This group meets quarterly and is usually held in our head office, Eleanor Rathbone House.

When are the Making Days centres open?

The Making Days centres are open Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 3.30/4pm (depending on which centre you go to).  You can go along for a full day or a half day – whatever suits you best.

Why’s Making Days different?

When you go to Making Days, we want to make sure you spend your day how you choose to.

You can meet people like you and get involved in fun activities with them. You can also get involved with things that help you get more life skills and new interests.

The most important thing is, you decide what you want to do and your support workers plan your day around your needs and your hopes and dreams too.

Get in touch:

If you’d like to come along to one of our Making Days centres in Liverpool, get in touch:

Call: 0151 702 5555

Or you can email Julie:

Service reviews

'I love coming here. It's like I'm being treated. I love all the staff, they make me laugh. I love coming here because of my brilliant new friends.' - Jackie, who comes to Making Days South

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