December 23, 2016
Terry’s Supported Living Story.
Terry has suffered from depression and anxiety most of his adult life which led to him relying on alcohol which compounded his mental health problems and resulted in his divorce from his wife. Following this, Terry was admitted to a long-term hospital stay. After he was discharged, Terry was introduced to PSS supported living where he has now been for six years, and says that since living with PSS his life has changed.
“I feel a lot of pressure has been lifted and I have no worries over bills or money.” Says Terry “There are people around who I can talk my problems over with. I receive support with my problems with alcohol. I never feel isolated or lonely as there are other people around most of the time”. Terry is now encouraged to get involved in activity groups which builds up his confidence and means he doesn’t turn to alcohol to help with his problems. He has made new friends within the Project and has even had a holiday to Spain. He has also recently saved up and bought a television and hi-fi system for his room. Terry is now in a much better frame of mind and is settled within Supported Living and enjoying good mental health.