December 15, 2014
Sue’s art takes pride of place
“I struggle to verbalise some of my thoughts and feelings and art is the voice I use to convey them”.
Back in August The Keeling room in our Seel Street offices became host to over 30 beautiful artworks by Sue White. Wellbeing centre manager Nicky McGovern told us: “Sue was referred to us 4 years ago and attended anxiety management and depression groups. She later went on to undertake peer mentoring training which gave her the confidence to co-facilitate some art journaling workshops with Nikki Greig. Sue now facilitates art journaling sessions independently and they are deservedly very popular with large waiting lists”.
“I found that creating and expressing my feeling through different art, colour, texture and medium is cathartic and helps me improve my health. After completing the course I loved it so much I started to mentor others in art journaling, as at this stage I wasn’t sure if could cope with running a class on my own so I co facilitated with Nikki Greig, and this gave me a great deal of confidence”.
On the day of the exhibition Sue was there to chat to Seel Street staff and invited guests about the work on display, and Nicky from the wellbeing centres brought along some light refreshments. Sue managed to sell 5 pieces and received 5 commissions.
“I believe everyone can enjoy being creative regardless of background, experience or ability”
Some examples of Sue’s work: