Some sad news about Be Well Barnsley


We’ve got some sad news about our Be Well Barnsley Service.


Since our Be Well Barnsley service began in 2015, we’ve helped over 6000 of you feel happier and healthier. We’ve loved every second of working with the people of Barnsley, and we’re incredibly proud of the achievements our service has made, following in the footsteps of our Barnsley Health Trainer Service, which started back in 2007. But after three great years, we’ve had to make the really difficult decision to bring our service to an end.  We’ve had our funding cut by 67%; and we just can’t afford to keep providing a service that will continue to meet our high standards with the funding we have left.


We’re not closing just yet, though. Our brilliant team is going to carry on providing the fantastic services you know and love until 31 October 2018, when our funding ends. So if you want to get happier and healthier, please still get in touch; we’re still just as passionate about Be Well Barnsley and we’d love to help in the best way we can. We’ll be working with the council to figure out how we go about winding down our service over the next six months.


The team at Be Well Barnsley are an incredible bunch of creative, committed people who have provided a wonderful service to adults and children all over Barnsley, helping people turn their lives around with positive lifestyle choices. We’re hoping that the council can find other ways to continue the legacy of great work they leave behind.


We’d like to say a big thank you to the people of Barnsley for all of your support over the last few years. We know this is a well-loved service, and we’re as sad as you are to see it go.


We’ll keep you updated along the way. If you want to ask any questions, get in touch at [email protected] or call 0800 0169 133.