National Stop Smoking Day: 17 March

Today is National Stop Smoking Day, the time when everyone all over the UK is encouraged to kick the habit and give up smoking.


As John explains, there are tonnes of benefits to quitting – from improving your blood pressure, circulation and breathing through to reducing your risk of potentially life-threatening diseases, like heart disease, stroke, cancer and COPD.

But as any smokers who have ever tried to quit will know, packing in isn’t always so easy.

The great thing is that these days, more support than ever is available to help you along the way. From apps and websites through to nicotine replacement and support services, there’s a form of support to suit everyone.

Recommended apps

Our Digital Health Service team are experts in how people like you can use simple technology to help look after your health. They have recommended two great apps to help you give up:

MyQuit Coach: MyQuit Coach gives you the option to stop smoking by either gradually decreasing the amount of cigarettes you smoke, or by going without all together. The app lets you track how many cigarettes you smoke and your cravings – so you can see how easy it’s becoming. Remind yourself how well you’re doing with MyQuit Coach achievements and get access to a big community of people also trying to quit.

NHS SmokeFree:  The official NHS Smokefree app gives you a four-week programme of daily support and motivation to help you stop smoking. If you stay smoke-free for the four-week programme, you’re up to five times more likely to quit for good.

Recommended websites

The sites below contain some great information about quitting smoking and will point you in the direction of some advice and support if you don’t fancy going it alone.

British Heart Foundation:
NHS Smoke Free :
NHS Live Well :
Give us a shout
Our Digital Health Service is here to advise and support you on the best ways to quit. You can email the team on [email protected] or call  0151 706 6705.