Work with us as a quality checker! 

As one of our awesome quality checkers, you’ll work with us to make sure we’re giving the best support possible across all of our services. You’ll be someone with lived experience (expert by experience) who will help us shape how we support people at PSS. You’ll know what high-quality support looks and feels like, by using your own experiences and knowledge of PSS.

You’ll visit all of our services and look at how we do things now, to help us do things better in the future.

Being a quality checker means you’re currently being supported by PSS or have been supported by PSS in the past. You can also be a staff member or Shared Lives carer.

You’ll work in teams of two, our dynamic duos, to co-check work together.

Why is high-quality support important to us? 

At PSS, we want the people we support to feel safe, supported, valued, and appreciated – because that’s what high-quality care looks like.

Our quality checkers will work with us to help make sure our teams are supporting people in the best possible way. Working with people with lived experience means they can help co-produce the type of support we offer.

What does a quality checker do?

The role of a quality checker is to have conversations with people about the support they receive through PSS. This might include doing things like:

  • talking to people we support
  • talking to staff and volunteers
  • talking to Shared Lives carers

Through these conversations and thinking about your own experiences, you’ll build positive relationships with people, whilst finding out what people like or don’t like about the support they receive from PSS.

You’ll talk to people and listen to their ideas and suggestions. You’ll then share your notes with the quality team. From your findings, we’ll be able to work with our PSS people to celebrate feedback or make changes where we might need to do things better.

Will I get rewarded for my time?

Yes! To thank you for your time and effort, we’ll reimburse you in a way that works for you. This might be in the form of vouchers, activities, social events or money.

How much time will I need to give? 

This a flexible, part-time role so you’ll be asked to work with us as and when we need your expert skills. Some months you might do a few hours and others it might be more. We’ll always discuss this with you first and make sure you’re happy and able to commit to tasks being planned.

What support will I get?

You’ll have a friendly PSS person from the quality team who’ll support you. They’ll support you with your induction and any training you’ll need for the role.

The quality team will be your main point of contact and support you throughout your time as a quality checker.

How do I find out more?

Come to our informal Zoom chat on Thursday 20th July from 1.45pm – 2.45pm. This will give you the perfect opportunity for you to ask questions and find out moreOn the Zoom call, you’ll meet Simone, our head of quality at PSS and some of our friends from Paradigm, a learning and training organisation and the Association for Quality Checkers which is led by people with learning disabilities.

If you’d like to come along to our meeting, please get in touch with Joe Tyson (quality coordinator and customer service advisor) by 5pm on Friday 14th July. You can get in touch with Joe at [email protected] or on 0151 702555.

Want to work with us?

We’ll be having our official launch event on Wednesday 13th September 2023 from 10.00am – 3.00pm,  at our PSS head office (Eleanor Rathbone House, Unit 16, Business Connect Village, Derby Road, Liverpool, L5 9PR).

We’d love anyone interested in this role to come along. The launch event will tell you all you need to know about quality checking. This event will be about socialising and having fun with other people who want to be a quality checker too. We’ll have a tasty lunch included, plus other nice things to thank you for your involvement.

If you’re travelling from outside of Liverpool, we might be able to help with your travel costs and accommodation expenses. Please get in touch with Joe at [email protected] or on 0151 702555 if you’d like more information about this.