July 29, 2016
Superhero Day
If you had visited Making Days North on Friday 8th May, you may well have wondered what was going on!
Staff and Service users had transformed the centre into a superhero training academy raising money for the expansion of child bereavement facilities at Zoë’s Place Baby Hospice in Liverpool.
Zoё’s Place is a baby charity that provides palliative, respite and end-of-life care to babies and infants aged from birth to five years old suffering from life-limiting or life-threatening conditions.
Zoё’s Place Baby Hospices are the only baby specific hospices in the U.K. Liverpool was the first Zoё’s Place to be opened in 1995. Zoё’s Place can take up to six infants at any one time, providing care on a one-to-one basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They have accommodation and facilities for the whole family to stay if needed.
When the trainees arrived at the academy they were met by Spiderwoman – Alice, who checked their identities at the door before letting them in. Once inside the trainees met their Team Leaders – Kyle, Cath. Julie, Linda and Gill, who guided them through the different areas of their training.
Graduates from the academy – Sue, Anthony, Suzanne, Karen, Frank, Pam, were on hand at each activity to lend support and encouragement to the trainees as they battled with The Web, Thors Hammer, Batman Bowling and The Captain V’s Iron Man.
After a well-earned buffet lunch, trainees battled against each other in a game of Superhero Bingo. Super Tess, A.K.A Tessa Dunbavin, manager and veteran of the academy, did a magnificent job as bingo caller.
A disco and awards ceremony rounded off the fabulous day. Every trainee had their efforts rewarded with a certificate which was presented by Super Tess.
A huge thank you to all the staff and service users at Making Days North for their help and support in making Superhero Day so special and raising a whopping £110