Safety planning

What is safety planning?  

A safety plan is a checklist that helps you to think about how to be safer when you are experiencing domestic abuse or when you’re thinking about leaving an abusive situation.  

Safety planning is the best way to keep yourself and/or your family safe. We understand that sometimes you can’t just leave.  

We can safety plan for all different situations and all different outcomes.   

How do I make a safety plan?  

Our Ruby@Turnaround supports women in Merseyside experiencing domestic abuse and have been through the criminal justice system, have mental health needs, substance issues, homelessness or are involved with Children’s Services.  

How we might support you:  

  • We’ll safety plan with you if you decide to stay with your partner.   
  • We’ll safety plan with you if you decide to leave.   
  • We’ll safety plan with you if you decide to leave but stay in the family home or local area.   
  • We’ll safety plan with you to try and ensure your children can stay with you.   
  • We’ll safety plan with you if decide to move away.  


What does a safety plan look like?   

Your safety plan will be unique to your situation.   

If you’re staying in your relationship, you might look at things like:   

  • Plan how to respond to arguments/incidents. 
  • Don’t wear scarves or long jewellery – they can be used during assaults. 
  • Avoid rooms without outside exits. 
  • Practice possible escape routes for every room in the house, and know which doors, windows, lifts, or fire exits would be safe to use in an emergency. 
  • Have window/door keys readily available. 
  • Let trusted friends/neighbours know, and plan what they should do if they hear suspicious noises. 
  • Put handbag/keys/money in a safe accessible place or with someone trusted so that they can be grabbed in a hurry. 

Getting support in Merseyside  

If you want to make a safety plan or would like information about getting support from our Ruby@Turnaround team, please get in touch at 0151 702 5500 or [email protected].   

Nationwide support   

You can also get in touch with the National Domestic Abuse Helpline for Women and Children.   

24-hour national free helpline  

Tel: 0808 2000 247  


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