July 16, 2018
Ryan’s milk bottle top mission
At Making Days, the team always do their very best to make sure people spend their day how they choose to. Whether you’re an Oscar-worthy actor, a budding reporter with all the best stories or an all-rounder who just wants to make friends and have fun, the support workers are there to…well, support you, in doing what you enjoy.
There’s about 100 people coming in and out of Making Days North and South every week and no two people are the same. That’s why the service is always changing, working around the hopes and dreams of the people who go along. Ryan is a regular at the Making Days North centre, and his passion is looking after the planet and making people more aware of the many simple ways you can do this.
When Ryan found out about a charity that collects foil milk bottle tops and turns them into money for lots of other charities, he knew he wanted to do something similar. He had a chat to his key worker to see what he could do at Making Days to make a difference. Even though lots of people in the service couldn’t help much because they bought plastic bottles and not old foil tops, Ryan did not let this put him off. He was determined to do all he could to help.
Ryan’s key worker, Frank, listened carefully to his big idea. They worked together to plan out a way to help people understand why recycling is worthwhile and make some important changes. Ryan came up with the idea of setting up a recycling group at Making Days North and Frank helped him to make this happen. The whole bunch at Making Days helped with creating posters, and running the groups, where he spreads the word about recycling to his friends. Everyone is now a lot more clued-up on how to make little changes in their daily routines to become a friend of our environment, like Ryan.
As well as making people more aware of what they can do, Ryan is also making important changes in the service. Ryan has taken on the role of recycling advisor, letting all staff and people using the service know how they can recycle in the centre and where to do this. He also leads the group in washing and separating all the recyclable bits and bobs the service uses. Once a week, all of this stuff is collected and goes to a local recycling plant.
Ryan feels super proud to be helping to look after the planet. With the help of his support workers and heaps of ambition and drive, he has been able to have a real go at achieving his dreams. Well done to Ryan and everyone at Making Days for supporting his plan!