Our Newest Friends

Over recent weeks through Lesley’s blog and around the offices you may have heard about our ‘Friends’ event. This took place on 30th October and marked the launch of our new ‘Friends’ network.

So who are our ‘Friends’ and what’s the purpose of the network? Historically within PSS we’ve had a ‘members’ network, this was part of our Governance structure and these people were involved in our work in a variety of ways.

In years gone by they were a key part of what PSS did; fundraising and running events but as time has gone on and the structure of what we do has changed this role has become less relevant. Consequently, their only involvement in recent years has been attendance at the AGM or receiving a copy our annual report.

Last year the Leadership Team discussed the role of the ‘members network’ and the idea of changing this to the ‘Friends of PSS’ was formed. This less formal network will invite past members, influencers in the areas we work in and other key stakeholders to be more closely involved in what we do; going beyond fundraising and using the networks of our ‘Friends’ to build our profile, offer resources and professional time and to introduce us to new opportunities.

Going forward, we plan to host a series of ‘Friends’ events and to invite these people to other celebrations we run throughout the year. This will help us to share more about what we’re doing with the people who matter, to share the stories of the people we work with and to hopefully excite them about the direction we’re going in.