Did You Know? Supported Living

…used to be 2 services (called Scope & Bradley)

…supports 32 people in accommodation based services

…supports a further 10 people in a day support setting

…employs 68 staff

…has an annual turnover of £1.5m

…provides around 1,600 hours support per week

…provides 77 sleep ins per week

…is purchased through Direct Payments by the majority of people using the service

…was founded in 1987

…manages 10 properties, including 3 registered care homes

…the registered services are all rated ‘fully compliant’ (previously excellent or 4 star)

…our youngest person using our service is 30 and our oldest is 98

…the person using our service the longest has been with us since 1987

…supports 3 people in their own homes

…provides between 3 hours and 24 hours per day

…supports people with acquired brain injuries, mental health issues, learning disabilities, dementia, physical & sensory impairments.

…our longest serving staff member has been with us since 1990

…our oldest support worker is 74

…our Administrator has been with us for 10 years