Don’t Worry Wins National Award

Young people from our Family Impact service have been working with our ‘parental imprisonment’ lead Lorna Brookes over recent months to put together a book to support children with a parent in prison. The group had noticed that everything they’d come across to support them as a child of a prisoner had been written by adults and not by someone else who was in the same position.

The team pulled together quotes and illustrations from young people using the service and structured them into the ‘Don’t Worry’ book. The book is just about to go to print for the first time and we’re hoping it’ll be a really useful tool to raise awareness around what the team do nationally. We’re definitely off on the right foot in terms of profile; last week we found out that the ‘Don’t Worry’ project has been awarded the ‘Marsh Christian Award’ for voluntary work, through the organisation Action for Prisoners’ Families.

The young people were absolutely thrilled but because they couldn’t make the London presentation they pre-recorded a video for the event. Lorna who collected the award on their behalf was thrilled about the recognition and is incredibly excited about sharing the book both inside and outside PSS.