July 20, 2016
A Day In The Life… Kyle Dennis
1 year into Shared Lives Manchester Kyle Denis shares a typical day in his role as Service Co-ordinator.
06:30 – I manage to roll myself out of bed and into the shower, half dazed and still asleep. I manage to force some breakfast (I really hate breakfast) and make a very strong coffee.
07:30 – I start my commute to Manchester from the Wirral via our wonderful UK rail services. (I regularly do battle with men in suits for the last un-reserved seat. I usually win..)
08:50- Power walk time from Manchester Victoria to our office at the LGBT foundation.. (Got to hit my 10,000 steps!)
09:10 – land at my desk and see what awaits me in my inbox!
09:30 – (On this particular day) I grab my promotional materials and head for the bus to the job centre in Cheetham Hill. But sometimes I’m preparing for jobs fairs, recruitment events or carer visits!
10:00 – Engage my inner charmer to talk to as many people as possible and find us some new Shared Lives carers.
13:00 – Arrive back at our office on Canal Street and catch up with the team about any new service user referrals and any updates from our carers!
13:30 – Lunch time is an opportunity for me to get out an explore Manchester. I usually take a quick walk and see how far I can get and then try frantically to remember my way back when I get distracted by something interesting (most recently this was an epic grilled cheese sandwich bar!).
14:00 – I proudly survey my elaborate (really simple) database systems that house every conceivable piece of information you may require. I also check out carer files to see if everything is in order and up to date.
15:00 – I follow up on any outstanding expressions of interest and organise appointments for myself and my colleagues to go and meet new carers. (I love meeting new carers! It is one of my favourite parts of the job I do!)
17:10 – Pack up, lock up, say goodbye to the staff at the LGBT foundation and prepare myself for the journey home!
17:30 – I always bring my camera to work with me so I can take some pictures in the city on my way to the train station. (I’m a shameless instagrammer)
19:00 – I arrive home. Eat food, start editing my photos from the day and watch some Buzzfeed on youtube!
22:00 – Bed..