June 27, 2014
National PND Alliance Launch
The Perinatal mental Health national alliance are holding their next meeting at our Seel street offices on the 1st July from 10am – 4:30pm.
Pauline McPartland, Our PND Team leader who is hosting this event and our key representative in this alliance, says the cause has really caught peoples attention:
“Our first meeting was just twelve people, four of whom worked at the bluebell centre in Bristol, but this time we’ve got people coming from all over the place.
“The issue has really picked up momentum and we’ve got psychiatrists, GP’s, Celebrities, authors, organisations and perinatal people from Wales, Scotland, Ireland, even as far as Outer Hebrides attending!”
Speaking to survivors like Eve Cavanan, reading Jen Faulkner’s book that shows PND from a child’s perspective and who identified there was no national collective light being shined in this condition and meeting Ruth Jackson (founder of Bluebell Perinatal service in Bristol) made us all realise just how important it was to start raising the profile of this issue further, so we’re delighted that the cause has captured so much attention already, our vision is it will go from strength to strength!
Our aim is to raise awareness, educate and to ultimately create a national perinatal awareness month. We all do incredibly positive and successful work individually, and we believe that together we are stronger. We have already started to development an App too, it’s very exciting and we look forward to telling everyone about it in July!’