A Summer of Platinum Celebrations for Fred

This Summer the ‘Battle of the Atlantic’ was celebrated in Liverpool, with visiting Navy ships, memorial events and commendation for the nation’s many naval heroes. Involved in the event and congratulated throughout the weekend was one of our own, Fred King who uses our ‘at home’ support services at John Willis House in the Wirral. Tracy Morris, the scheme manager at John Willis House was keen to share his story and we’re delighted she did.

Fred King was born in Tottenham, London in 1922 and in 1940, at the age of 18, joined the crew of HMS Gentian at Gladstone Dock, Bootle. Fred was based on this ship throughout the remainder of World War II and during this time played his part in the Atlantic convoys. In the role of ‘stoker’ Fred spent most of his time in the engine room keeping the ship powered and his recollections of the time spent on board are incredibly vivid.

In 1942, the ship returned to Liverpool and the crew were allowed some well earned leave while the ship had modifications carried out to her guns. All crew with local connections were allowed ashore. At the time Fred had to remain with the ship because he only had connections in the South of England, but later in the same period of leave when HMS Gentian was moved to Clover Dock in Birkenhead for modifications, he was temporarily billeted at Birkenhead YMCA, which was requisitioned by the Admiralty at that time. During his stay at the YMCA, Fred met Susie Buckley, the YMCA cook and the following year they were married.

At the end of the war Fred received the ‘Atlantic Star Medal’ as a symbol of recognition for his commitment and efforts during the war, something that was reinforced by his role during this Summer’s Merseyside Battle of the Atlantic celebration events. The whole team at PSS would like to congratulate Fred for this deserved recognition and also congratulate him and Susie who on July 6 this year celebrated 70 years of marriage.