A Problem Shared Could Be a Problem Solved

Recently SJ, who uses our services was unfortunately admitted to hospital in the Wirral and even more unfortunately his experience of care was not positive due to his learning disability. Luckily SJ’s Carers decided to step in and support the NHS Trust responsible to become more aware of the needs of people like SJ. The Carer explained that SJ’s learning disability was not taken into account and listed a catalogue of incidents that put SJ at severe risk during his stay.

After making an official complaint the family eventually met with several top people in the hospital. The Carers made several suggestions around supporting a person with a learning disability during their stay in hospital. This included wearing a discrete yellow band (the same as people who wear a red band if they have an allergy), they also suggested a different colour pillowcase just to alert staff that this person may need additional support.

The Carers are really pleased that the hospital appears to be genuinely impressed with their suggestions and are looking to put measures in place. The hospital has also asked the Carer to give a talk on what it is like to be in hospital if you have a learning difficulty and how hospitals can makes simple changes to make life easier for everybody.