Sefton Young Carers Share Their Views

During the Autumn, the organisation ‘Aintree Volunteers’ received some funding from the Carers Trust to hold an event to raise awareness of carers and the important work of volunteers in the local community. The group approached our Sefton Young Carers services and pulled together plans to hold a mini Young Carers conference to raise awareness of their issues.

Our team worked with Aintree Volunteers to put an event together that would appeal to our young people. We had information stands at the event to share information with the young carers. This included organisations such as Barclays Bank, Connexions and Sefton’s Carers Centre. Therapies for the young people to try were also available, including a craft card making activity, a session on CV writing, and a raffle where everyone won a prize with one lucky person winning an ipad.

The young carers who attended this event really enjoyed it and found it really useful in terms of opportunities for the future.

we’d like to say a big thank you to aintree volunteers for approaching us and also to the sefton young carers team who worked really hard to make the event a success