May 8, 2014
Relaunch of the Meadows
The Meadows, our facility in Scotland that offers short breaks and crucial relaxation time for families and service users, recently underwent a bit of a make-over.
April 23rd saw the unveiling of the centres new look, with Chief Exec Leslie Dixon making the trip up to Scotland to meet the new Meadows team and the people who use the facility. Food and refreshments were available as well as activities and workshops for those who use the service and their families to test out the new space.
Team Leader Cheryl Blair tells us:
We really needed a bit of modernisation, and everyone is loving the changes. we’ve redecorated every room and even turned the dining room into a chill out room with sensory lights and equipment and beanbags. It means we can use the space for music therapy and other activities. It’s much more versatile