November 6, 2019
Empowering people to vote
It can be tricky enough deciding who you’re going to vote in the general election these days but, for adults with a learning disability, the voting process can be a confusing and alienating experience.
People with support needs often get put off making their vote because of their experience in the polling station. It may be that they could do with some support whilst they’re at the station, they don’t fully understand the stance of each candidate or just that they feel anxious in an enclosed polling booth. That shouldn’t mean that they miss out on having their say. So, to make things that little bit less stressful, we’ve created a PSS voting passport.
This is something that someone can fill out before coming to the polling station, letting a member of staff know about their specific needs for voting and personal preferences; This makes everything so much simpler. You can access our PSS voting passport by clicking the link below. If you’re at our head office, Eleanor Rathbone House, 24 Derby rd, Liverpool in the coming weeks, you can request a printed version from our Front of House team ahead of the upcoming general election on 12th December.
Let’s support everyone to have their say!