October 14, 2016
LivPIP DVD: sharing advice and real stories from new parents
Our Liverpool Parent and Infant Partnership service (LivPIP) works in partnership with parents and other primary caregivers as they develop and learn to understand the relationship they have with their baby. Our team works with families both ante-natally and post-natally across Liverpool, including within Liverpool Women’s Hospital.
The team have recently created a DVD with production company first take, to capture the experiences of several Merseyside families through pregnancy, birth and the first few months of parenthood. As well as real stories, the DVD features expert advice and information from the infant psychotherapists and specialist practitioners who deliver the service.
“We work with parents and primary caregivers from the time they find out they’re pregnant right through to age two’ says Michael Galbraith, LivPIP Clinical Lead ‘Our aim is to help parent and baby build a happy strong, interactive relationship and enjoy each other’s company.”
“We want to show the different experiences that families have, as well as the common elements and similarities that all parents experience. For example we look at home births, experiences in the neo natal unit, breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding mothers etc. We think all parents will take something useful away from the DVD”
Over the next few months, parents attending booking appointments at Liverpool Women’s Hospital will be given a copy of the DVD along with information about LivPIP and other services in the city.
The DVD was funded by Liverpool City Council, Public Health who recognise how important this early stage of development is for both parent and baby:
“There is strong evidence that what happens in early childhood and the developing years’ impacts on health, well-being and life chances throughout life. As a city we are committed to ensuring that every child has the best start in life, a strong parent child relationship is one of the most important aspects of this. It is vital for a healthy and thriving future society”
You can find out more about LivPIP and how to get in touch with the team here.