Making Days At Dutch Farm

When PSS took over the running of Bridge Chapel day centre we also took over a whole other facility at ‘Dutch Farm’- a plot of land that’s been used by Bridge Chapel attendees to gain skills in gardening and crafts.

Long ago the area used to be a landfill site, but it’s since been repurposed to become the lovely green area it is today. The YMCA run a large part of the site, but PSS are now beginning to think about the potential their patch has for both day centre users and the community in Garston. Day centre worker Will told The Loop about the site’s potential ‘There’s a piece of work to do around risk and health and safety but once we’ve sorted all that we really want to get the community and schools involved in Dutch Farm.’

Mark, who’s attended Bridge Chapel and Dutch Farm for years told us how much he got out of the courses he’s attended there in the past ‘We did hanging baskets. I didn’t know how to do it at first but I learned and then I made three on my own. I got really into it. I’d love to do more courses and learn more’.

At the moment the team are looking into ways to fund the project going forward, and Will has been busy sending out supporter packs to local businesses who might want to give back to the community by donating goods. ‘We’ve got big plans, we want to build some garden furniture and get a sensory garden in at Dutch Farm for those who need it. We’re taking some of the people who attend making days over to see one in Croxteth soon and we hope it will get us thinking creative about the work we can do with Dutch farm!’

If you have any ideas on ways we could use Dutch Farm facilities or you want to donate materials then contact Bridge Chapel on: 0151 494 0747