International Women’s Day at Women’s Turnaround

Our Women’s Turnaround service supports female offenders to make positive changes in their life and turn things around. There are many personal and emotional reasons why women may choose to offend. We believe that an offence shouldn’t mark the end of someone’s real potential in life. 

During our Women’s Turnaround sessions, women who are on probation are given practical and emotional support by our expert teams in group and one to one settings. This supports them to realise their true potential. These groups look at the reasons behind the offence and focus on important issues like overcoming addictions, rebuilding relationships, getting advice on housing and employment options and feeling happier and healthier. 

To mark International Women’s Day on Sunday 8th March, this week, our teams ran sessions in our Prescot and Kirkdale centres, discussing female role models and empowerment with the women being supported and some PSS people from across the organisation. The sessions began with a discussion celebrating different women and their amazing contributions to the world. The group were then asked to share women who are inspirational to them personally. Women shared stories about their mothers, grandmothers and also celebrities. Madonna was one of the celebrities that got talked about because she represented a strong, independent woman who doesn’t worry what people think and oozes confidence. 

Next, everyone looked at a huge array of quotes from inspirational Women like Oprah, Michelle Obama, May West, Judy Garland, Ellen, Eleanor Roosevelt, Audrey Hepburn, Cher, J.K Rowling and many more including our own founder, Eleanor Rathbone. The women read out their favourites before choosing some to write on a ‘wall of inspiration’ along with their own inspiring quotes.  

Finally, the group were asked to consider a quote they wanted to take away with them as something to think about for the future, painting this onto a canvas. The women then discussed taking this inspiration forward and sharing strength with other women over the next year and beyond. Everyone showed their canvasses to the group and had a celebration of these over some snacks and cake. Lots of the women left saying they had had a really great time at the session and left feeling empowered by it.


Here’s some feedback by people who were part of the session :

‘Had a great time, really uplifted’

‘I really enjoyed this lesson’

‘Today was great, felt happier leaving today’

‘Women rule the world. Uplifted my spirits today’ 

Click here to find out more about our Women’s Turnaround service.